Focal Field (2021)

Multichannell sound installation
+ augmented audio reality

created by
Davide Luciani, Jordan Juras 

Presentation for the Residence 2021 at
the Immersive Arts Space and ICST, ZdHk / Zurich (CH).

Highlights Computer Music and Sound Technology

Focal Field explores the spectrum of presence felt in augmented sonic reality – from the intimacy of closeness to the abstracted relation between disembodied voice, sound, and space. Perceptual relations between the real and virtual are tightened by situating augmented reality sound within synthetic reverberant architectures, and reinforcing localisation through light. The installation engages with our necessity to rationalise any aural manifestation. These fields of fragmentation – between the spectrums of connection and disconnection – have led the duo to draft a sound space where the voice, the Phonè, and its experience become the object and subject of aesthetic speculation.

The presentations took place on Thursday, October 22nd 2021 at the Immersive Arts Space | Zurich University of the Arts (CH) 

Still images from presentation day at ICST/Zurich (2021) 


Davide Luciani und Jordan Juras, Artists in Residence am ICST, arbeiten an der interaktiven Sound-Licht-Installation »focal field« © ICST/Tobias Gerber